Thought for Today: Ups and Downs
Ups and downs, ebbs and flows, back and forths, it's all to be expected. It's approaching yet another end of the year. Life is promising; but, life can also be unpredictable. For instance, I got hit with a huge case of depression out of nowhere. To combat, I prayed and did things that helped promote mental wellness. Sometimes the mind can take us there. Especially this time of year. It reminded me to, if you are experiencing depression, encourage you to fight for you. During a boxing bout a bell is rung to signify the end of a round. The boxers then retreat to their corners to get refreshed and mentally charged by their coaches and others so that they can get out there and fight again. As the end of the year nears, take the time to (symbolically or literally) ring a bell signifying the time to retreat to your corner. Then do the recharging/refreshing activities that let you connect with the reality of the 2018 round being over. Lastly, prepare yourself to take on ...