
Showing posts from 2017

Thought for Today: Trust the Untrustable

How is this even possible. Sometimes we feel like we need to guard ourselves from those we can't trust. I understand the hurt. I know the pain. I identify with the discomfort. However, God promised that "all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord." When we stand on that promise, we can learn to open our hearts and learn to trust...the God in them or the lack of God in them. If we trust the God in them, then we know that God will move on our behalf when we are aligned in his will. If there is a lack of God in them, then we must accept them for who they are and trust that. The good news is that either way, you can trust again this time not the person, trust God.

Thought for Today: Intentionally do Good

Love the unlovable and do good anyway...It allows you to sow into the lives of others unconditional love. Because you always reap what you sow. And who doesn't want to reap unconditional love?

Thought for Today: Pay your tithes

God honors your commitment to tithe. I just know through your faith and God's faithfulness it works. I can't argue the point I can only testify to the blessing. King James Version says it best... "And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?" --Luke 16:12

Thought for Today: Don't Cut Corners

I heard two separate preachers preach about David cutting Saul's robe. They both went on to explain that the Bible said after cutting off the corner of Saul's robe, David's conscious bothered him. But the most impactful statement was when one of them said don't cut corners when God wants to give you the whole robe. Amen to that.

Thought for today: Like A Boss

Inspiration to own the environment

Though for today: His word only!

No one has to convince the rose of its beauty. It just is. It is incapable of any other talent or means to express itself. However, the message it communicates, while offering its gifts to others, is unmistakeable. No one else has the ability to tell its story in quite the same way. Each rose is uniquely different. The rose, of its own accord, has little impact. It must exist to give or it becomes worthless. In our own way, we are like the rose. Needing to offer ourselves, in our own uniquely different ways, so that we may exist to offer our truth. Carrying the messages of God to people can completely be out of our comfort zone notwithstanding the need to protect the rose. However, we must not think that the message is no longer relevant or no longer needed. In God's case, there are no mixed stories. Each person he sends connects with someone else and vice versa. Many communicate messages reluctantly (like Jonah) or willingly (like Jesus). If you find you are a messen...

Thought for Today: Create in Me

My thoughts have taken me to a place where I appreciate a time of preparation. When God places a dream in our hearts; we tend to want to immediately walk into that space. However, we must remember there was a lot of time in between when God had David anointed King and when he actually was appointed to the position of king. The period in between where God anoints and God appoints is called preparation. We should step back, trust, and enjoy the process. The time period is where you hone your craft, develop your skills, and work on you. As you move towards the appointment process, you'll be happy to know that none of this time is wasted. Everything that you do during the preparation period, as you grow into your new God ordained role, will be purposeful. For example, if God called you to be married you may find developing a prayer life for your spouse now is beneficial. No time like the present, this website has awesome relationship prayers