
Showing posts from 2018

Thought For Today: The Contingency Plan

It's the end of 2018! Things didn't quite pan out the way you thought. Your goals weren't quite met. You thought you'd have more time. It went all too fast. We can close the door of 2018 and move on to a new chapter which can begin with 2019... In just a few days, you can begin the contingency plan that takes all the missed goals of 2018 and repurposes them for 2019. May I suggest starting by ordering this book that just hit the shelves December 2018 Ladies Don't Act . Happy reading and Happy New Year.

Thought for Today: Ups and Downs

Ups and downs, ebbs and flows, back and forths, it's all to be expected. It's approaching yet another end of the year. Life is promising; but, life can also be unpredictable. For instance, I got hit with a huge case of depression out of nowhere. To combat, I prayed and did things that helped promote mental wellness. Sometimes the mind can take us there. Especially this time of year. It reminded me to, if you are experiencing depression, encourage you to fight for you. During a boxing bout a bell is rung to signify the end of a round. The boxers then retreat to their corners to get refreshed and mentally charged by their coaches and others so that they can get out there and fight again. As the end of the year nears, take the time to (symbolically or literally) ring a bell signifying the time to retreat to your corner. Then do the recharging/refreshing activities that let you connect with the reality of the 2018 round being over. Lastly, prepare yourself to take on ...

Thought for today: Things Turn Around

Look at who came to visit! Sometimes God has a way of giving you hope in its own timing. Just remain faithful.

Thought for Today: Dreams,Messages, Omens

This was a week full of them. Three days this week I was walking and saw two different dead birds on the ground in front of the office where I worked. They made me feel weird; because, I remembered running into a bird with my car shortly before marrying my husband. I always felt animals in some way connected to divine messages to which we should pay attention. I'm not sure why this is; it's not so much the animal more than the feeling that God is trying to tell us something. It gets easy to shut God out when we get too busy to hear directly from him. Because of this, I believe he sends us messages in other ways. Next was a dream I had. I dreamed that I placed my hand on the cage of a wild animal at something like a zoo. The animal was quick to attack, grabbing my finger. I struggled to get away and finally, I did. There was some pain from the attack. When I woke up, I thought it was a strange dream. However, the next day, my co-worker mentioned he put his finger ...

Thought For Today: Thankful For Divorce

After I received my divorce, I was in various states of confusion. As a minister, I thought God had taken his hands off of me and that I somehow misread everything. As a wife, I thought I'd failed. As a woman, I questioned what could I have done differently? I lost inspiration. I broke connections. I trusted no one (not even myself). I had a difficult time with the transition from marriage to singleness. I needed God and, at the same time, I didn't want to need God because I thought God no longer heard me. Now that the dust has settled, and I have been divorced for the better part of a year, I'm finding out the allegorical text, Footprints in the sand (Mary Stevenson, 1936) has entirely new meaning. It's the first day I received new inspiration, like the past, when I first received the call to ministry. Except, I'm different, I process things through an entirely different lens. I'm starting over, not from the beginning, more like from a different fou...

Thought For Today: Back from Chicago

New experiences are essential to growth. Getting away for a few days can provide a fresh perspective and encourage a different mindset. So I went to Chicago for a few days. While there, I took in a show, tried new foods, and went to a couple tourist attractions. Each provided a unique experience for me to interact with life in ways that I never could have had I not left home. Taking time to process life from a different perspective can open your mind to newer possibilities. This level of exposure is now a part of my journey. For example, I now know how my body and mind react to eating duck tongue. Aside from that, new experiences promote new ideas and I'm looking forward to the inspiration that comes with it. Keep coming back and you'll find references peppered through upcoming blogs. :)

Thought for today: Be at Peace

When my sisters and I would get a little out of hand (as at times little girls would do) my dad would say "Peace." It was the one-word chastisement that would snatch us back in line. It didn't take much. As I grew older, I began to think more about and value what this word actually meant. It was a word that promoted a calming energy. This effect, or phenomenon, allowed me to desire this same energy in my own home. I cherished the drama free lifestyle that seemed so unattractive to those on reality TV. I became protective of my peace. Even more so now I proclaim peace over my home, peace at work, and peace where I worship. And now there is a peaceful energy which was spoken over me in childhood that I want to share with you. Be at peace.

Thought for today: Don't Discount Maturity

We tend to base our decisions on emotions. While charisma and chemistry are strong indicators that we can enter into relationships; it doesn't mean, we may not exit them unscathed. Maturity and wisdom are powerful tools that help control the urge to enter into something for which we are not ready, committed, or prepared. Today's world appears to thrive on this now mentality that breeds instant gratification. The unfortunate reality is that immediate exposure doesn't allow us to develop the principles of patience and long-suffering that build character and minimizes selfishness or vindictiveness. The result is we're informed but then what? The perception that we must be "successful" is driven by shortcuts while we act (sometimes too quickly) on emotional impulse. The Bible says it all: wait, watch, be steadfast, unmovable, patient, planted, anxious for nothing, and tons of other synonyms. Require maturity in yourself and you'll be less inclined to t...

Thought for today: Always Keep Learning

As an avid trivia buff, I'm always looking to win. It's a necessity. My competitive nature is not suppressed in the least. I lost thinking the capital of Nigeria was still Lagos as I'd learned in school. Now I can appreciate that the learning process should never stop. Things evolve and processes change; Most can update with the times. Recently, there was an article about an abandoned mansion in a prime area of New York. A photographer entered and captured astonishing images of a home not used for several decades. All around it, you could see where life advanced. However, inside was like a time capsule. Not continuously learning and growing will turn you into a time capsule setup to answer today's questions with yesterday's knowledge. It's difficult to win that way.

Thought for today: Embrace New Beginnings

If you read Revelation chapter 2 you will see a description of the personality of Jezebel. It even goes forward to state "And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not." This is an interesting sign of someone who is comfortable in the state that she was in. She abused her gift of life and God took notice. Someone that is unwilling to change from sin (or sinful life) cannot receive the promise of an abundant new life. They can't begin with a fresh perspective. They will be stuck in a perpetual state. You can embrace a new beginning by building a relationship with God which starts with taking advantage of the space to repent (ADMIT that you are a sinner, BELIEVE Christ died for your sins, CONFESS Christ to be Lord over your life, DESIRE to live this truth out for the rest of your life). Repentance doesn't change your past, it changes your future and that is why you get to Embrace New Beginnings.